The Quartet Pounder is an improvisational quartet consisting of three musicians and one artist, myself. The group is heavily influenced by the artist Francis Bacon. During a Quartet Pounder session, as the musicians create improv soundscapes, visual images are rendered in Photoshop by me.

Waiting • Quartet Pounder Sessions II • 2020, Digital Collage, 33" x 22"

Carry On • Quartet Pounder Sessions II • 2020, Digital Collage, 33" x 22"

Crossing Over • Quartet Pounder Sessions II • 2020, Digital Collage, 33" x 22"

Mountains of Progress • Quartet Pounder Sessions II • 2020, Digital Collage, 30" x 20"

Pounder Lanscape • Quartet Pounder Sessions II • 2020, Digital Collage, 30" x 20"